
Easter Day
Apr 20 all-day
Easter Day

Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb on the third day after his cruxifixion. Easter is the fulfilled prophecy of the Messiah who would be persecuted, die for others sins, and rise on the third day.

The early Christians began remembering the Resurrection every Sunday following its occurrence. In A.D. 325, the Council of Nicaea set aside a special day just to celebrate the Resurrection.  The problem with an official day was deciding whether the Resurrection should be celebrated on a weekday or always on a Sunday. Many felt that the date should continue to be based on the timing of the Resurrection during Passover. Once Jewish leaders determined the date of Passover each year, Christian leaders could set the date for Easter by figuring three days after Passover.  Following this schedule would have meant that Easter would be a different day of the week each year, only falling on a Sunday once in awhile.

New clothes have long been associated with the idea of newness and a fresh beginning.  The familiar custom of having new clothes for Easter probably began with early Christians wearing new white robes for baptism during Easter Vigil services.  Later, the custom expanded to everyone wearing new clothes in celebration of his or her new life in Christ.